Praxisurlaub vom 1-7 Mai
Ihre Landarztpraxis – familiär, persönlich, ganzheitlich.
Wir begleiten Ihre Gesundheit – einfühlsam und ergänzt durch Naturheilverfahren.
Ihre Gesundheit ist unser Antrieb. Jeden Tag.
Aktuelles aus der Praxis
Über uns
This is a space to tell users about yourself and your business. Let them know who you are, what you do, and what this website is all about. Double click to start editing.This is a space to tell users about yourself and your business. Let them know who you are, what you do, and what this website is all about. Double click to start editing.
This is a space to tell users about yourself and your business. Let them know who you are, what you do, and what this website is all about. Double click to start editing.This is a space to tell users about yourself and your business. Let them know who you are, what you do, and what this website is all about. Double click to start editing.
So erreichen Sie uns
Bahnhofstraße 43
29559 Wrestedt
Mo. - Fri
Mo, Di, Do
9:00 - 12:00 Uhr
16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Bitte beachten: Termine nur nach Vereinbarung.
Bitte rufen Sie uns nur in Notfällen an.
Tel: 05802 228
Fax: 05802 292